SALISBURY — Despite torrential rain and a bit of snow, the Easter Bunny made his early annual appearance on Saturday at Salisbury Elementary for the town’s annual Easter egg hunt.
SALISBURY — Women looking to gain a sense of empowerment while also learning to defend themselves will want to save a spot in the free Parks and Recreation self-defense class
SALISBURY — Despite there being snow on the ground as recently as Monday, Parks and Recreation Administrator Jenn Roketenetz is hoping folks leap ahead and register for two big events
SALISBURY — A Triton cheerleader with a pumpkin head and incredible dexterity has more to cheer for now that its creator, Triton Cheer, was announced Tuesday as the winning entry
SALISBURY — Scarecrows of all shapes, sizes and themes will soon be taking over the Town Common for the entire month of October as families and businesses compete for personalized