Bishop Karen P. Oliveto of the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church preached at Estes Park United Methodist Church on Sunday, Sept. 17. Oliveto visited, in part, to honor three EPUMC donors who gave significant monetary gifts in support of a program called “A Table for All.” EPUMC members Paul and Donna Newendorp and Denise Shank […]
Bishop Karen P. Oliveto of the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church is preaching at the 9:45 a.m. service at Estes Park United Methodist Church, 1509 Fish Hatchery Road, this Sunday, Sept 17. Everyone is welcome. “It is a very distinct honor to have Bishop Oliveto here at the Estes Park United Methodist Church,” said Ann Lantz, […]
The Union publishes Religion Briefs on the first Friday of each month. To share the latest from your western Nevada County church or spiritual organization, email At times, due
The Union publishes Religion Briefs on the first Friday of each month. To share the latest from your western Nevada County church or spiritual organization, email At times, due
At First United Methodist Church of Irwin over the past month, there’s been more than a few new faces in the pews. According to congregation member Bonnie Judy, her church has started to attract people looking for a new church home, after their own churches decided to leave the denomination.