my question is, what are the white house plans to keep democrats together on this? sinema, the white house has spoken with. they spoke on wednesday. president biden said, yes, i have my endorsement of what they voted on last night. i think the white house is well aware that there are moderates in their party who do not want a giant package coming alongside this bipartisan bill. 3.5 trillion is a lot smaller than what the progressives wanted to see. you re going to see this fight play out. bernie sanders did sound confident they ll have all 50 democrats on board. he said we are i feel pretty good about this. i think we are going to get there. so that is optimism coming from bernie sanders. i think he knows pretty well how this is going to go. that s still being negotiated, too, that bill. 3.5 trillion for the reconciliation peiece may not b