cooperate. we ve had discussions with him about potentially appearing before them, trying to make sure we understand what it is they re asking for. as i always did when i was in service to america, i m happy to cooperate with things that are fair and transparent and deliver good outcomes to the american people. we ve learned the committee has already spoken to treasury secretary steve mnuchin. both pompeo and mnuchin discussed using the 25th amendment to remove trump from office. and trump s former chief of staff, mick mulvaney, testified before the committee just yesterday after he offered to come in voluntarily. suffice it to say the list is growing fast. here s how committee member jamie raskin puts it. it s like a waterfall of truth at this point. when you have more than 1,000 witnesses coming in and telling you what had happened, it s the tiny handful of people who are either lying or refusing to participate who begin to feel very nervous about the situation. acc
senate for that reason. it wasn t even changed substantively. it was changed in a very minor way. but this came after the senate had released a reconciliation package that republicans don t like, and there is an issue about an amendment that pat toomey wants, that chuck schumer said he could have at a 60-vote threshold. so they would need 60 to get that amendment in. chuck schumer s going to bring it up again on monday. many in the capitol here see it as retaliation. and it s sad to say that, although people deny it. there are many people in the capitol who see this as retaliation for democrats doing that reconciliation measure, releasing that reconciliation measure after signaling they would not release it just weeks ago. so it is a sad to be honest with you, a sad statement on the state of politics in d.c. juanita, senators who voted no who previously voted yes say this isn t payback, it s policy.
single bill strategy, or are they going to try to work past manchin and get something passed using the reconciliation measure even if it s not what they originally wanted to do? we ll keep an eye on leader schumer and see if there s any updates or changes in the strategy on voting rights and more. coming up, a just released study highlights the sad mental impact of covid on children and their help. e the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. (jeff) thank you. (bonnie) thank you. (robert) thank you. subaru. more than a car company.
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than later. this new sinister combination of voter suppression and election subversion is un-american. it s undemocratic, and sadly, it is unprecedented since reconstruction. but this battle s not over. we must pass the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act, we must. [ applause ] we re going to keep up the fight until we get it done, and you re going to keep up the fight, and we need your help badly. reporter: but here s the thing, alex, it s not like voting rights is going to be any easier for democrats to get done than build back better. you could argue it s even harder because with build back better as we ve discussed, they re able to use that reconciliation measure, be able to get it through with just 50 votes. voting rights doesn t work that way. they re going to have to do something to get around the filibuster. we heard just in the last week senator kyrsten sinema of arizona reaffirm her opposition to doing anything about the