Live from london this live from london this is business todAy. Is business todAy. We stArt in the Red SeA where irAn bAcked Yemeni Houthi rebels AttAcked two more Crude Oil TAnkers with missiles And drones on mondAy in whAt us CentrAl CommAnd cAlled Reckless Acts of terrorism. LAte lAst week the group releAsed these pictures of Another AttAck on the greek flAgged tAnker sounion. Since the houthis begAn tArgeting ships in support of the pAlestiniAns over the GAzA WAr bAck in november they hAve lAunched more thAn 70 AttAcks, sinking two vessels, Seizing Another And killling At leAst three seAfArers. The economic impAct hAs been felt fAr beyond the region with ships forced to divert on A long And costly detour Around the horn of AfricA. West coAst soAred 389 Betwen December And july. From AsiA to europe its been even more expensive up 469 over the sAme period. Those prices hAve eAsed A little since but Are still mAssively higher thAn when the houthis begAn their AttAcks. Peter sAnd is Chi