100% the safety of the cops is paramount as the community. neil: why don t we compare how similar efforts fared out west in california, for example, 1,000, $2,000 worth of goods you can steal and they won t prosecute you. so they stole up to $1,000 or $2,000 and then they d move on to the next. so i m wondering, moving the target doesn t change the target, right? absolutely it doesn t. when you lie in bed with the reverend al sharpton, you go by his whims. all right, so this is why they had the need to have a press conference today to say this is what he really meant. what it boils down to, he needs to prosecute the crimes for the recidivists. he has to get these guys off the street and you re right, neil, you and i have had this discussion, people standing there with calculators, all right, you ve got to stop,
wants to enforce and that s going to be cause a backlog when the police make arrests and he ll say don t bother making these arrests, i m going to decline prosecution. you have a burglary or recidivist bragging to the post saying i m so glad there s bail reform because i go out and commit crimes and don t have to worry about it. what it s doing, round robin once again driving businesses out of new york. it s the community-based businesses that the d.a. is talking about getting hurt. when i says i m going to focus on this and this and only this, you get we are a city of recidivists, all right? once the people are in custody you do want to have the opportunity to say do they have warrants? do they have this? what other crimes? they ve done this to the story owners time and time again, when does it stop if this man refuses to prosecute? i agree with the new police commissioner and i back her up 1 is
defendant, now we have these district attorney s that are essentially not only not doing the job but they re filling a different role and we don t need them to build a roll of the defendant protector because we need someone to represent the victim there, that is why so many ada s around the country are resigning in protest in san francisco who is doing the exact same thing and we know mayor eric adam submitted a 15 proposal to reduce gun violence which he called a blueprint that would take all of us to combat that s what it needs to take its larger than that not just the citizens it includes the das in prosecuting so deterrent prosecutors and those policies were put in place to create the consequences and have accountability to ensure recidivists are not led out on the streets and engage in violence one after another we know that three fourths of those were arrested and convicted for violent felonies are rearrested within five years after they are released, the statistics are lying and
will someone go out and kill somebody who gets out on bail question like it s guaranteed to happen. does not invalidate the overall approach. this exemplifies. it does invalidated. you said it yesterday. rather than upholding the rule of law this district attorney and others subverted further and arrange an dangerous view and i wish someone had asked chisholm, john chisholm, one of your child or your wife would get killed? do you stand by it? these district attorneys, liberals making the decisions in these cases leading these recidivists back out on the street to kill over and over again are pretty confident that they won t suffer the consequent is from the decisions. and that their families will never have to suffer the injury and the death and grief at the hands of these frightening criminals. jessica: dana, the current d.a. admits the thousand dollar bail was inappropriate.
into a treatment that s going to go out and kill somebody? you bet, guaranteed. it s guaranteed to happen. doesn t invalidate the overall approach. why would there be an acknowledgment that could happen, it does happen, and then no accountability or change? you know what it is? i really think sometimes in a political environment people make statements in the abstract that they think convey kind of lofty aspirations for the society that they hope will become. those things ever left consequent is. people like me who say people who are multiple offenders when they get arrested along the system, it s not because i want to see everybody in jail. it s because based on very hard expands, what we know is that there are people who are recidivists, violent offenders.