the vaccine appeared to cause an increased risk of heart inflammation, very serious heart inflammation called myocarditis. and then researchers in israelmr got even closer to the truth and found, quote, a probable link between receivingable lin r dose of the fizer vaccine and the appearance of myocarditis among men aged 16 to 30 . but no one seemed to care.the vc people were being very hurt, killed. but the vaccinese neve were nevr halted or slowed down. and as a result, many young peol people may have developed verye serious, debilitating heart problems. emily at uniacke says that-os her 14 year olond son is one ofe these. she s a mother.d heafr son developed myocarditisl aftey r taking the shot. u comig emily joins. emily, i appreciate your cominor on . i know that there s quite a bito of pressure not to talk about this. we re grateful that you re willing totell us yournce, tells experience, if you would. well, first of all, thank youhie for having me followincog his second dos