receipt inventory that you are personally carrying. that s right. there s no way she can pay herself if she s fronting the money for inventory. so if she has high inventory, let s just use a number $75,000, we ll just throw a number out there. she has $75,000 of inventory, she s just tied up $75,000 of her cash. hanging on hangers in there. and that s not working for her until she sells it. bingo. dawn has already found a source of funds for jody to start paying herself. but dawn s suggestions go hand in hand with what paco is working on. let s shut this chapter for now and bring in paco, our secret sauce. he needs to help make changes in how quickly she s turning over inventory. for paco, some of that has to do with upselling. once i ve got them in the door and looking at stuff, how can i take and sell them not an item but a set so i m not just