aleppo. we don t know how many. there has been talk of six civilians, i think it s got to be much more than that. there were miserable scenes yesterday as thousands of people trudged out of aleppo in the rain. we thought that many more would escape today. that hasn t been the case. one thing finally to point out, tamron, even if aleppo falls, even if the battle there is over, the war in syria is not over. it s raging. at least four different places. sectors involving isis who recaptured palmeira. it involves the kurds. it involves the turks. it s in the north, it s in the south. so even if aleppo completely falls in the next few days, this war is so far from over, tamron. bill neely, thank you. for more on the developments you just heard, let s get some insight from senator dick durbin of illinois. senator durbin, thank you so much for your time. thanks, tamron. let me get your thoughts on u.s. ambassador samantha power,