Despithuge flames smoke now seems to be the Biggest Issue because breathing is hard you might have noticed when you came out to me and i had my mask on because the Fire Department when around passing these masks to anybody near this area, particularly the media because the wind sometimes carries the smoke in our particular direction. But it looks like most of the smoke for now blowing away from us, but every now and then a gust picks up and sends it our way it does not appear anybody was injured are killed. Fire exploded really quickly because he was called in at 6. 20 and the morning and according to the Fire Department within 15 minutes. They knew they had their hands full they call back up and it was declared a 3 alarm i are just 10 or 15 minutes into the battle thats how much they knew particularly because they know this location is used by artists and that is important because of the chemicals that they use to weld to do paintings to stained glass and thats why it seems to be more