The house took up the following measures on Legislative Day 33: SB 211 - Probate Court of Crisp County; office of judge; future elections; provide PASSED. SB 331 Protecting Georgia Businesses and Workers Act; enact PASSED. SB 340 Hospital Authorities and Designated Teaching Hospitals.
Today’s actions included a lot of farewells as members who plan on not running for office or intend to seek other offices gave their goodbye speeches. In the House, Representative Tom.
The Georgia House went into extra innings on Friday as it worked to send as many measures as possible to the Senate on “Crossover Eve.” Next week’s deadline for legislation to cross to.
With less than a week to go before Crossover Day, the General Assembly continued to advance major propositions through the legislative process on Tuesday. One of those major.
Speaker Ralston’s Mental Health Parity Act, made its appearance on the House floor and garnered nearly unanimous support as it crossed the rotunda to the Senate. Senate signed off on legislation to expand apprenticeships in the state.