one of the problems of the complex legislative system like the one we have which i am all in favor of checks and balances i think the founders did a good job. but the problem is, how you get something done? nothing focuses the attention of both branches of government on in one place like the decision to raise the debt ceiling. it puts everybody at the table. it puts everybody at the table on a bipartisan basis. and everybody knows something must be done. so this is why this is the critical moment actually an opportunity to come together. what i do not understand is all the hand-wringing about the politics of it. let me remind you that after reagan and tip o neill came together and authored the trajectory on social security in 1983, ronald reagan eked out the next election carrying only 49 of 50 states. anything we agree to do together will not be an issue in next year s election. the public will look at that and they will conclude that if both sides felt this was ne