In the youth poultry show, Kenzie Vasquez exhibited the grand champion and Addison O Brien exhibited the reserve grand champion. Ryan Haney won best opposite sex production and Rebecca Bush won best opposite sex exhibition.
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This press release was produced by the Florida Strawberry Festival. The views expressed here are the author s own.
Town Hall addresses racism and the educational system
Hosted by Momentum Center for Social Engagement
Community leaders in Ottawa County came together Monday for a town hall on racism and our educational system.
and last updated 2020-12-28 23:12:14-05
GRAND HAVEN, Mich. â Community leaders in Ottawa County got together Monday night for a virtual town hall, titled âRace and Racism: Education Systems.â
The underlying theme was focused on removing harmful stereotypes in the American education system. The event featured two speakers, the founder and director of the Social Centric Institute, Calvin Terrell, and curriculum consultant with the Ottawa Area Intermediate School District, Rebecca Bush.