charges of aggravated stalk in the death of a 12-year-old girl in florida. they were arrested yesterday and released to their paints. authorities say rebecca ann sedwick committed suicide after being bullied online relentlessly for nearly a year. rebecca s mother, spoke this morning with our steve harrigan. he is live in lakeland, florida, and has more for us now. steve, how is the family coping? reporter: jenna, the family is having a very rough time t was on september 9th, rebecca sedwick, 12 years old, instead of going to middle school came here to the an bonn dodd cementing factory. that tower is 60 feet high. she climbed it and after a year being bullied on line, she jumped to her death. still malicious posts keep coming. we spoke to the mother this morning. here is what she had to say. i was in shock. i can t believe she is going to post something like this. i mean, it was crazy and then i
think started seeing other comments other kids were leaving. it turned into fear for her because she was geting a lot of threats. i don t want to see another child be hurt. i want justice to be served but i don t want anybody to be hurt. reporter: even after death online malicious posts keep being put up about the 12-year-old s, there is the victim s mother, worried about the safety of the 14-year-old girl who stands accused of bullying her own daughter to death. jenna. jenna: the two girls facing felony charges, steve, where are they now? reporter: that s right. one 14 years old, one 12 years old. the polk county sheriff s office has been very vocal and getting their pictures and names out in details of this case. the 12-year-old who has shown remorse has been released into her family. the 14-year-old who according to the sheriff has shown no remorse is in juvenile detention awaiting hearing. this saturday, rebecca s family will mark what would have been
0 might happen, wendell. what about the president? what is his role in all of this? reporter: the president is criticized for not leading the negotiations and accused by the republicans for refusing to negotiate. president has been meeting with congressional democrats to try to hold them together. he met with them here at the white house late yesterday. his efforts in the house fell apart. he told wabc that past efforts to negotiate directly with speaker boehner haven t worked out too well. him negotiating with me isn t necessarily good for the extreme faction in his caucus. it weakens him. so there have been repeated situations where we have agreements. then he goes back and turns out he can t control his caucus. reporter: once we get past this current crisis the president is likely going to have to negotiate with boehner to avoid doing all of this all over again early next year, jenna. jenna: not too far away. some of those timelines in the supposed, quote, unquote, deal. we sh