Preah Sihanouk province’s Six Senses Krabey Island resort is slated to reopen its doors to tourists on December 2 after ceasing operations during the Covid-19 slump in the tourism industry.
Preah Sihanouk province’s Six Senses Krabey Island resort is slated to reopen its doors to tourists on December 2 after ceasing operations during the Covid-19 slump in the tourism industry. “Post-pandemic recovery in Cambodia will rely in part on a business-enabling environment for higher-value travel and tourism,” the Six Senses said in an October 12 statement.
The Preah Sihanouk provincial administration and provincial tourism department ran an August 12 training session for 80 staff from a local transport association, to enhance the quality of tourist services by tuk-tuks, according to a social media post by the provincial administration.
Officials from the Pursat and Mondulkiri provincial administrations have rejected the findings of a new Adhoc report which claimed that wrongful arrest, allegations and detention of people involved in land disputes was rampant, and that corruption was rife in the mediation of such cases.
PHNOM PENH, April 24 (Xinhua): A two-week stay-at-home lockdown was imposed in Cambodia s coastal city of Preah Sihanouk on Friday in efforts to curb a surge in the local Covid-19 cases.
The Southeast Asian nation on Friday logged 655 new confirmed cases of Covid-19, including 113 in Preah Sihanouk province, the Ministry of Health said, adding that the kingdom has so far recorded a total of 8,848 confirmed cases with 61 deaths.
Preah Sihanouk city of Preah Sihanouk province is located about 230 km southwest of Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia. It is also known as Sihanoukville, and is famous for its beaches, tropical islands and the mangrove jungles of Ream National Park.