Realme has launched its latest smart TV range in India, which includes the Realme Smart TV 4K 43. Priced at Rs. 27,999, this television supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, and runs Android TV 10. Is this the best 43-inch 4K TV you can buy right now? Find out in this review.
Realme Smart TV 4K With Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos to Launch in India on May 31
Realme’s latest television range will support Ultra-HD HDR content. By Ali Pardiwala | Updated: 24 May 2021 12:41 IST
The Realme Smart TV 4K will be available in 50-inch and 43-inch sizes
The new range will be available in two sizes 43 inches and 50 inches
The May 31 event will also see the launch of Realme X7 Max 5G phone
Realme Smart TV 4K range will be launching in India on May 31 alongside the Realme X7 Max 5G smartphone. The new smart TV range is the third major television launch from Realme following the Realme Smart TV and Realme Smart SLED TVs series. And, as the name suggests, the new TV models will feature Ultra-HD HDR screens. Although not much is known about the upcoming televisions right now, Realme has teased some basic features and specifications including Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos support, as well as the size options for the new