Realme 9 Pro and Realme 9 Pro+ price in India have been tipped via alleged retail boxes of the Realme smartphones. The Realme 9 Pro is suggested to start at a price of Rs. 18,999 and the Pro+ variant could get a starting price of Rs. 24,999. The model numbers of these upcoming handsets have also been suggested via the boxes.
Realme 9 Pro and Realme 9 Pro+ are set to launch in India later this month. The company revealed the launch date, key specifications, design details and more.
Check Realme 9 Pro+ expected mobile specifications, release date in India. This phone is expected to be loaded with 6 GB RAM, 128 GB Internal storage and 4500 battery.
Realme 9 Pro+ confirmed to be one of the first phones to equip MediaTek Dimensity 920 SoC, the new Realme series will likely be priced above Rs 15,000 in India.