and, you know, really shouldn t say this but i hope all those people who put this trumpet at number ten i hope it was with it, worth it for the ministerial red box to sit around the cabinet table because the damage they have done to our party is extraordinary. done to our party is extraordina . ., . extraordinary. another source of tension extraordinary. another source of tension last extraordinary. another source of tension last night extraordinary. another source of tension last night was - extraordinary. another source of tension last night was a - of tension last night was a vote in parliament tabled by labour but with mps should get a say on the government plans to bring back fracking. downing street corrie in the vote would be considered a vote of confidence in the government itself, and if they didn t oppose it and back the government they would face been kicked out of the parliamentary party. in the voting lobbies confusion with some mps not sure what the consequences of
jesse: we own the science. so john kerry is controlling what you read on the internet now. you see, they don t want a conversation. they don t want to a debate. they don t want to be challenge dollars at all. they just want to bury any information that can prove them wrong. here, doing the same thing on climate as they are on crime people don t feel safe anymore especially on subways. tiffany calls herself a queer abolitionist. i don t know what that means. a subway violence is actually a one in a million event and she tells us really, really shouldn t be scared and fall victim to the fear-mongering from politicians in the media. if you watch primetime. we have covered subway shootings, stabbings, rapes and robberies and not to mention subway terror attacks. remember frank james who shot up a whole subway cars earlier. maybe council woman can a ban should tell that to the mother of five, remember?
to more than $1 trillion. voters taking their economic concerns to the polls in many states today. i watch the stock market, watching that, it s plummeting. so, take one day at a time. i have really noticed my grocery bills have gone up about 30%, and it does i can manage, but it is a concern, a major one. gas is almost $7 a gallon, it shouldn t be like that. really shouldn t. i work for gas, i work for food. and i don t really have that much left over. sandra: a story far too common at this time. full coverage right now from our team of fox news and fox business correspondents. john: a gas station in hartsdale, new york. 5.09, my friend, above the national average, we will get to that. start with the credit card balances.
The New York Times has a job to do – and it has done that job spectacularly well over the past few months. The Times is a leader, in the opinion of this - John V. Walsh for Original
united states department of education guidelines here because it says that the valedictorian s speech is not an expression of the school and therefore may not be restricted because of religious content or because of even prayer. so that s really the lay of the land here and the school really shouldn t go to this length and the letter from first liberty is right on point. in the school should take a step back in my opinion. shannon: so, the principal clearly worried, as many school of ministry does do, about crossing a line, getting into legal trouble. is this going to be viewed as a message from the school and this is what the principal said. unfortunately our public educational institution and was legally abide by the first moment of the u.s. constitution. through past supreme court cases rulings have stated that government institutions including public schools cannot favor one religion over any others. this would include honors speeches since it would be an official committee case