And environment appropriations act 2018 the rule provides to ours of general debate equally divided by controlled by the chair one appropriation. The wave all points of order and provides an amendment the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of the rules Committee Print 11531 modified by rules 11532 and the amendment printed in part of the report shall be considered as adopted in the bill is amended should be considered red. Points of order against the bill for failure to comply with close to her 5a except beginning with a on page 327 line 222 page 328 line to begin with a; page 535 my 12 through 12 usd 3907 print be print two. On page 538 line 14 in section 7080. The rule provides were points of order waived against a section point of order may only be raised by the provision and not the entire section. Section two of the role makes an order only those further amendments printed in part b of rules Committee Report amendments described in Section Three of the rule and performe
Childhood Arrivals Program or what is called daca was announce pd by president obama in 2012. Hundreds of thousands of young people brought to this country as children were at risk of being deported. They didnt take the action to come. Their parents took the action to come and bring them. President obamas executive order temporarily protected these undocumented young people from deportation. Daca also provides the opportunity to obtain work permits that has made it possible for many young daca beneficiaries to enroll in college. If congress doesnt act now and pass a law, President Trumps decision to terminate this program will have devastating consequences for the nearly 800,000 families across the United States, particularly those in california. This decision to end daca without first ensuring that young people have Legal Protection is why we are demanding a vote on the dream act as soon as possible. Daca recipients certainly deserve now, not six months from now. These young people tr
A unified effort to help our island of partners as well as our ust partners to achieve their response and recovery goals, starting with the eyelids the goal to stabilize the Virgin Islands and puerto rico to make sure we are addressing all lifes safety and lifesustaining issues and we are in good position. Theres great communication with both governors in the Island Community and the objectives are clear, emergency, power restored power, life saving and lifesustaining commodities, emergency can medication and security. Those are the goals we are supporting and this is a massive effort because of logistical nature of accessing islands, we are very proud to have our partners with the department of defense. They have the provided over six different navys ships in the area that will operate today to help us accomplish helped our island partners, which their goals. Moving on, obviously Hurricane Irma continues to be a threat to devastate the us, either florida or some southeastern states. T
Prospects for a new round of closures. Speakers included former va secretary who chaired the last commission in 2005. The Heritage Foundation hosted this hourlong event. Good morning and welcome to the Heritage Foundation. Welcome those who join us on our heritage. Org website as well as those joining us on the cspan network and for those inhouse we asked the courtesy to see our mobile devices have been silenced or turned off simply to avoid any unnecessary distractions. For those watching online you are welcome to send questions or comments at any time by emailing speaker at heritage. Org. We will post the program on the heritage home page for future reference following the presentations today. Leading our discussion and welcoming our special guest is frederick zero. Fred is our policy analyst for defense budgeting for the Center National defense at the Heritage Foundation or to join me in welcoming him. [applause]. Thank you for making the time to come over here with the first and co
That. I dont think donations are disqualifying at all but if you represented the Clinton Foundation or clinton herself, it would be a bit disturbing to me but i will take care of that. As to russia, do you have any doubt that the 17 Intelligence Agency report that was submitted last year or early this year, that russia interfered in our election is acted . Senator, this is an issue discussed in my confirmation rate and trouble of you attended that. At the point i access only to the public right. Public admission which classified information but what can you tell us down . I know access to classified information and i think that assessment made by the Intelligence Community is justified based upon investigation, the evidence they had. Jeff sessions will testify on capitol hill today. Hes expected to get questions from lawmakers about his contacts with russian officials during the 2016th election campaign. This will be the first time hes testified before Congress Since his confirmation h