we haven t recovered. part-time employment, wanls, different things that play into it. just because people are employed, it doesn t mean the same way they were in years past. a lot of underemployment, people who could be doing something much more lucrative are not. i think it s a big, big problem, a big area. you alluded, mika, to the wage problem which i think is at least as big a problem. real wanls haven t gone up for five years, meaning adjusted for inflation. even the people who have jobs, people who are fully employed, their purchasing power hasn t gone up in five years. when you want to talk about why is the country unhappy, why is it discouraged, why is it depressed on the high end are wages going up? they are going up. gretchen, that monthly jobs number has become a political issue. absolutely. when the number comes out, one says we ve added 288,000 jobs. the other side look at the