that could undermine what he wanted to accomplish. he would give other people credit for things that he could easily have gone on television and say look what i did. and in that, he was the complete opposite of our current president. not in how he embraced the media. he wanted to have in his words a kinder and gentler nation in every way, shape and form. approach and personality was the opposite of the current president. i want to talk about six key words that may have changed everything for him. here they are. read my lips. no new taxes. how did those six words eventually change his legacy and the entire party s direction? he nation promise to show he s a real reagan republican which many people doubted. in 1990, he works with the democratic congress on the deficit reduction deal where he increases taxes.
and kayleigh mcenany. i m founder and editor in chief of real reagan conservatives. i want to empower americans to have a voice. let s get to the point. hey, everyone. welcome to the point. we will be here all week at this time. you already know today s headlines, so now we re going to get to the point of each story and now we re going to start with two people that everyone is talking about. hillary clinton and jay leno. first, hillary. she gave a speech tonight at the kennedy center for a major charity, vital voices. a first paid speech out of office at the end of april. certainly for six figures. what is she doing? is this her precursor running for office, donnie? absolutely. as well she should be and i think the great advantage she has and the point to make is since she stepped down as secretary of state, she now is in the winner s circle.
so, we had newt gingrich and mitt romney. both on the offensive over the last 24 hours. they know that six days is a short time and that s when the caucuses are. what have we been hearing from both of the candidates, mark? well, hala, you re absolutely right. so much on the line, so much at stake here. six days until january 3rd when iowa republicans will caucus and will really kick off what has been already a very long presidential season. well, newt gingrich had pledged not to go negative in this campaign. he had said that he would only go positive and talk about his plan to try to turn the american economy around. well, the gloves have come off and, in fact, he is going negative. yesterday on the situation room with wolf blitzer, he went right after mitt romney. in fact, let s listen to what newt gingrich had to say. all i say mitt is, if you want to run a negative campaign and you want to attack people, at least be man enough to own it. that s your staff and that s