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Sputnik International
Iranian-American Nuclear Talks and the Trouble Brewing in Ukraine
Sputnik International fault lines/202104051082547904-iranian-american-nuclear-talks-and-the-trouble-brewing-in-ukraine/
On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan talked about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, the tax proposals in Biden s infrastructure bill, what Iran and the US are bringing to the table for indirect negotiations on the JCPOA, and the latest military buildup in Ukraine. /
Luis Elizondo – Former Director Of AATIP | UAPs and Hard Questions, Part Two
Steve Grumbine – Founder of Real Progressives and Real Progress in Action | Biden s Corporate Tax Hike
John Kiriakou – Co-host of The Backstory & Former CIA Officer | Iran & USA Entering Indirect Negotiations on JCPOA
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