Just take us through what shed been hearing at the inquiry this morning. Its building on a theme that started last week from senior managers at the post office. Today it was david miller He Were Benchley became the Chief Operating Officer of the post office. He started his officer in 1970 as a trainee. He was a Project Director of the Horizon It System and its implementation. He was in charge of how it was tested, how it was implemented in the late 19905. How it was implemented in the late 1990s. This mornings evidence was about how that testing wind, and there was off line testing, and there was off line testing, and there was off line testing, and there was live testing with Sub Postmasters. He was questioned about some of the bugs and faults that came up before the system was rolled out across the country. The inquiry heard that during the testing, some of these bugs, including the issue of how cash balances could be effectively changed in the accounts, how it had come to light even