there is this collective action problem which they have the first time around. and it is wild to watch it again. right? i am really, like, i was looking at the reports that are just saying, hey, guys, can we, like, can we get a room here? can we figure this out? but it really does feel that it is a real groundhogs day sensation setting in right now. sure, sure. the smoke filled rooms came about for a reason. yes, that is right, that is correct. they came about because people realized that, you know, commissions could get away from them. which is why there are candidates that were collectible. you want to put all kinds of political disasters in those things. if you recall, in 2016. the republicans were selling this as a virtue. they were saying, look, our process is completely open. we are not trying to separate any favorites son or favor daughter candidates way the democrats are. we see how that turned out. and the smoke filled room also solved that coordination problem. what