The account has also shared two IGTVs of a video call conversation between the Duchess and Mackesy, in which the pair chat about his writing. The Duchess praises his book as something to ‘make friends happier’, relating that she’s ‘read it so many times’ and calling it ‘an easy read but a deep read’. Other posts so far include an image of a copy of
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse standing pride of place in the library at Clarence House, as well as special insights like illustrations and audiobook extracts.
Ahead of the official launch of Camilla’s project on 15 January, an Instagram last Friday announced: ‘One week to go! Join us next Friday at 11am when we reveal the four books The Duchess has chosen for Season One of The Reading Room.’ The next post offers details of ‘a Book Club Kit’ for each book, consisting of ‘a set of questions you can use to explore the themes of the book and spark discussions with friends.’
The Duchess praised Mackesy s best-selling book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse.
She said: I ve read it so many times. It s an easy read but it s a deep read at the same time. And I just love your drawings. I ve spent my whole life as a child doodling horses.
The writer replied: Have you? Me too! That s what I always do.
Camilla has opened up about her childhood, revealing she spent lots of time drawing horses (Image: GETTY)
The Duchess of Cornwall made the sweet admission ahead of the start of her book club (Image: GETTY)
Camilla continued: I used to do it everywhere, but mine unfortunately, hasn t turned out like yours.
The conversation came in the run up to the start of The Reading Room next week, which Camilla is launching to create an online hub for literature lovers.
The titles in the club’s first winter season are being kept under wraps until January 15. New books will be added each season.
Avid reader Camilla told Mackesy she wished she had done more drawing in lockdown, but said she had focused on reading instead.
Praising his book, the duchess said: “I’ve read it so many times. It’s an easy read but it’s a deep read at the same time.