Breadcrumbs From Electromagnetic Technologies to Embedded Mind Control Applications In Vaccines, Humanity Is Being Programmed to Embrace Satanically Inspired Extinction
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 12:43.
Can anyone deny that we are undergoing a hive mentality transformation in America with regard to both social media and the mainstream media. If anyone shows any tendency to believe in truth, fair play and the Constitutional right to express a contrarian opinion, one is chastised and harassed into silence. Failure to comply, in this post-election theft period of American history can cause the loss of job, funding, and eventually will produce a hive mentality. Think ahead a moment, my fellow human beings, if an an off-world intelligence, such as Satan-controlled demons were to want to move the world closer to a hive mentality for the purpose of creating a Satanic New World Order, mind control technology would be at the top of the list as far as pri