Monday: Read Revelation 19:11-21; Psalm 96, 98 Today’s reading begins what I have called the “bridge section.” Rev 19:11-21:8 is a bridge between the Today's reading brings us to the climax of the biblical story. In 21:9-22:9 John details the new creation by describing a garden-like city/temple. For John, this new garden-like, city-temple comprises the entirety of the new creation.It is important to recognize that the New Jerusalem is “the bride, the wife of the Lamb” (9). Of course, the Bride stands in stark contrast to the Great Prostitute (17:1-19:10).John's description of the city, which is not actually a city but a description of the glorious presence of God among His people, as if it were a city, begins with its key feature: “having the glory of God” (11).
Monday: Read Revelation 15:1-8 In 15:1-16:20, John presents us with the third series of seven: the Seven Bowls (Seals; Trumpets; Bowls). Each of the three It is again very important to remember that John is writing the churches. His goal was to show them what is really the true when it comes to the world around us. Thus, John explains that although it may look like Rome is in power, it may look like power and military might rule the world, and it may look like we need to give our allegiance to the Beast in order to survive, the reality is that Rome is a Beast and its economic system and the luxury and prosperity it provides (Babylon) is nothing more than a well-dressed and bejeweled Prostitute that is drunk on the blood of her victims (6). Furthermore, John warns the churches that they cannot be in Christ and in Babylon. After all, Babylon will “wage war against the Lamb” (14).
Note: this week’s reading is going to be difficult and have a little extra reading. Prepare for some extra time and extra contemplation. Monday: Read John most likely intends for us to understand the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God are indicators of ownership. If so, then one of the questions that the book of Revelation raises is: “To whom do you give allegiance?”As for our understanding of the Beasts, we must keep in mind that the moniker “Beasts” is an important epitaph. In Genesis, humankind was to “rule over the “beasts” and “creeping things” (Gen 1:26-27). Instead, as the book of Revelation makes clear, the Beasts and the creeping things rule over the nations.