function in that environment. think about this, how do you fix this problem? how do you repair what s wrong in reactor two? it s not going to fix itself. human beings cannot get near enough to this problem and live long enough to fix the problem. we can t send robot remote control things in there to fix the problem either because it is too radioactive, even for electronics. we humans can build a nuclear reactor, but when a nuclear reactor goes bad like this, we humans cannot fix the problem, at least we don t know how to yet. the current plan at fukushima to try to stop what is still a year later an ongoing and worsening disaster, the current plan is to try to invent something new that doesn t exist yet that might be able to work in this environment. an executive said with levels of radiation extremely high, we would need to develop equipment that can tolerate high radiation.
yet. the current plan to try to stop what is still a year later an ongoing and worsening disaers, the plan is to try to invent something new that doesn t exist yet that might be able to work in this environment. an executive said with levels of radiation extremely high, we would need to develop equipment that can tolerate high radiation. the thing that does not exist that can allow us to even try to fix this problem. the thing that we can imagine might be useful to fix this problem, we re going to have to invent. we re going to try to invent something while the problem gets worse and worse. it s beyond human capability. the really bad news is this is the good news. reactor number two is in the best shape. they can t figure out how to determine what s going on in reactors one and three because the radiation levels are even higher. thank god for problems that can be fixed with 25mm cannon fire.
with that small amount of water there, with that little water in there, there s nothing shielding the radiation that s coming out of that fuel. 245 is enough to kill a person in a matter of minutes. it s also a high enough level of radiation that most electronic equipment cannot function in that environment. think about this, how do you fix this problem? how do you repair what s wrong in reactor two? it s not going to fix itself. human beings cannot get near enough to this problem and live long enough to fix the problem. we can t send robot remote krog things in there to fix the problem. we humans can build a nuclear reactor, but when a nuclear reactor goes bad like this, we humans cannot fix the problem, at least we don t know how to
the pregnant women and the children to leave right now. because they re the ones with the fastest growing cells and more likely to get injured from the radiation. you know, giving it the seven c categorization is about time, but how do we deal with this? one, two, three, and four, these are just four of the six reactors at the complex. these have had the biggest problems. what s your sense? walk through them in terms of where they are now this far out. have they reached the point where they have them stabilized? or are they still dealing with the crisis? well, reactor one s got the hottest internal temperatures still at 400 degrees internal to the reactor. they ve flooded the building, which is good unless they get an earthquake because it s awfully heavy. and if there s an aftershock, they could really damage the building on reactor one. reactor two is the worst. that s the one with the hole in the bottom of the reactor and
the nuclear regulatory commission now believes that there has been some leakage from the containment vessel in reactor number two of the six at the plant and i m playing this animation as it plays out. they do not believe that there s been a total breach but they believe there s been a leak down here in reactor two. help us understand the difference. it s serious. it s what is causing these large volumes of radioactive water to be in the other buildings on site. inside that containment is where the core is. and it s clearly rubble at this point. now the water is in touch with the rubble and it s running out on to the floor and the flaws in the containment building are now running into other buildings. and the problem is that it s very, volume is difficult to get to a britta filter to be able to