that s 800 five eight five nine one four. all right, take a look at your screen right there across china. authorities are now going all in on crippling covid lockdown s and unleashing massivone ale human rights viols against innocent citizens as residents now are literally being locked into their owno ho homes and apartments, unablemesn to leave, all facing severevere punishment and prosecution if they dare to question any of this. sadls to onlyear be getting worse. and as a new warning from the u.s. embassy is suggesting a that lockdowns are about to intensify w. e about but many brave chinese citizens, they are standing up for their freedom. they are refusing to comply with the never ending covid for lockdown madness at a gripping china. but the biden administration, they seem to have no reactione e at all whatsoever. why is that? why don n t they stand in solidarity with people that believe in freedom? take a look why don . f what is the president s