of that, in this case again there is in suspense about who did it we know who did it, it becomes from the tension path storytelling standpoint how you communicate and capture the public s attention about that story. well, there are lots of characters who are not known to the broad public tonight were involved in this. there were a number of heroes who surfaced throughout this process and we want to make sure that we re profiling them as well as the villains of this story but it s very important to know how it was done as well as whodunnit. and that s what the citizens in the world s greatest multiracial, multi religious, multi cultural constitutional democracy need to know, what are the weaknesses that these reactionaries all right neo-fascist forces conspire to take advantage of. because they did, and it will be both agonizing and riveting
did it we know who did it, it becomes from the tension path storytelling standpoint how you communicate and capture the public s attention about that story. well, there are lots of characters who are not known to the broad public tonight were involved in this. there were a number of heroes who surfaced throughout this process and we want to make sure that we re profiling them as well as the villains of this story but it s very important to know how it was done as well as whodunnit. and that s what the citizens in the world s greatest multiracial, multi religious, multi cultural constitutional democracy need to know, what are the weaknesses that these reactionaries all right neo-fascist forces conspire to take advantage of. because they did, and it will be both agonizing and riveting for the country to see how
politicians. and i don t tend to have kind words for the republican party has now become but i will grant them this. their laser-focussed dedication to packing the federal judiciary with right wing reactionaries, well, it was impressive. they even got trump to realize the value of doing that. i have always heard how important judges are. now we know how important they are. think of that over 300 around 300 by the end of the term. it was over 200, not 300 but still a lot. so how come democrats never take judicial appointments as seriously as the republicans do? democrats get riled up over scotus vacancies here, but his mostly white, mostly young tribe they re just as dangerous as a brett kavanaugh or a barrett. given we tend not to know their names may be more dangerous. we ll be living with the
did blm protestors. it s hard to reckon with a system-wide danger that he represents of independent judges appointed bipartisan politicians. and i don t tend to have kind words for the propertio fascist cult of personality that the republican party has become, but their laser focus dedication to packing the federal judiciary with right wing reactionaries was impressive. they even got trump to recognize the value of doing that. i ve always heard how important judges are. now we know how important they are. think of that, over 300 around 300 by the end of the term. it was over 200, not 300, but still, a lot. so how come democrats never take judicial appointments as seriously as the republicans do? the 43-year-old mcfadden and his
ground while countering these illliberal trends on the left and right is to to forthrightly dechd liberalism again. yeah, i know, the term liberal s been a political weapon since the days of lee atwater. but here s the thing. it s actually about something much bigger than partisan politics. because liberal values include absolute equality under the law, the right to self-determination, freedom of religion consistent with the separation of church and state, and freedom of speech, even on college campuses. with vibrant civic debates rooted in the understanding that everyone s entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts. what a concept. but perhaps most of all, liberal values are rooted in universal individualism, the belief that all human beings should be seen as individuals first and not primarily as members of a group. this remains a rebellious idea because it rejects the reflexive tribal groupthink that dumbs everybody down while fueling resentments that exacerbate our divid