Thanks to a $125,000 grant from the Illinois State Library (ISL), the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) is currently in the process of purchasing high-demand e-books and audiobooks for K-12 readers.
UpdatedWed, Dec 9, 2020 at 10:08 pm CT
Dec. 9, 2020
Everyone in Illinois now has access to thousands of e-books and more, without the need of a library card. Public libraries statewide offer free e-books for the over 12 million Illinois residents and anyone else in the state, through a partnership between the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) and BiblioLabs. The e-book service, called BiblioBoard, has nearly 40,000 items available at any time to anyone in the state, and the items are always available.
RAILS began offering the BiblioBoard service in 2017 to help libraries offer additional e-resources to their users and to reach the approximately one million Illinois residents that live in areas not served by a public library. The pandemic has increased the demand for e-resources exponentially. Whether or not someone has a library card, people were affected when many physical library buildings went through periods of limited or no access during the p