EVENING FOR ETHIOPIA GALA – OCTOBER 21, 2023 @ 5:30PM AT THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF C.O. Experience the beauty, sounds, tastes, and spirit of Ethiopia at the ReachAnother Foundation’s Evening for Ethiopia Gala! We will celebrate
Shortly after 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Bend Fire and Rescue responded to a report of smoke in the KTVZ news building located at 62990 OB Riley road. The building was
ReachAnother Foundation Evening for Ethiopia Gala ReachAnother Foundation's Evening for Ethiopia Gala is back and in-person! Experience the sights, tastes, and sounds of Ethiopia while supporting a great cause. Join us for a live auction, marketplace, raffle, live music, dessert dash, and learn more about ReachAnother’s work to save the lives of thousands of babies suffering from spina bifida and hydrocephalus in Ethiopia.