replace at a later date. a few things about that. republicans will, one, likely need 60 votes to wholesale repeal the aca. that s ten more votes than the 50 votes they haven t been able to get for their proposed bill. two, just repealing the aca would leave 33 million million more people uninsured than under the current law. that s even worse than the senate version of trumpcare, which would leave 22 million more uninsured. three, re pealing obamacare without having a replacement ready would likely further destabilize the insurance markets and lead to even more insurers pulling out of the exchanges. and four, who actually believes republicans would ever get around to the replace part? joining me now republican strategist christopher metzler, jonathan cone of the huffington post, and tommy binion, director of congressional relations for the heritage foundation. i m going to start with you, tommy, and dispense with this idea of just repealing altogether obamacare because that would send