since i ve been incarcerated, my son told me the things that affected him when i was out. one of them was the abuse to his mother. miss jensen s special. she s an extraordinary lady. she s passionate about her job. so she kind of puts her heart into trying to save each individual one by one. you tell another person in recovery some of the things you ve done, and we laugh about it. you tell somebody who s not in recovery some of the things we ve done, and they cry. like 40, 45, jobs tend to get a little hard. so i ve got to kind of reinvent myself just to get back somewhere, stay out of trouble. if i do anything else, alameda county, felony, it s over. they re going to put you right back on this cookie sheet. yes. all right. this is a re-creation of a discussion that caused a rift. byron poe, i think he may have been through this enough now to be willing to change. he certainly presents that way.
it s back in his pocket. warmer tomorrow but cold next week. hold on. i wanted to show this to everybody. i m not killing you. the shot, this is what dylan was saying. raffle maccio. he looks fantastic. he could do a re-creation of the karate kid now. he looks good. mike s saying he s 40 something skbl he s 40 something. dylan, thank you. sorry. anything to get the karate kid in, right? all right. so coming up at the top of the hour on morning joe, new details about when malaysia flight 370 changed its flight path. we ll talk to a couple of aviation experts about what this means to the investigation. really not helping them figure out the true course of what happened to that plane. when we come back here, we re going to huddle around the water cooler. this is very cool news. the next star wars installment is coming. we re going to tell you where the story is picking up and the
and i actually found out more about myself than i have ever. since i ve been incarcerated, my son told me the things that affected him when i was out. one of them was the abuse to his mother. miss jensen s special. she s an extraordinary lady. she s passionate about her job. so she kind of puts her heart into trying to save each individual one by one. you tell another person in recovery some of the things you ve done, and we laugh about it. you tell somebody who s not in recovery some of the things we ve done, and they cry. like 40, 45, jobs tend to get a little hard. so i ve got to kind of reinvent myself just to get back somewhere, stay out of trouble. if i do anything else, alameda county, felony, it s over. they re going to put you right back on this cookie sheet. yes. all right. this is a re-creation of a discussion that caused a rift. byron poe, i think he may have been through this enough
from you. deuce is actually good. this is actually the first time i took it in all these years of coming to jail. listen, man. whoa. is this trying to is this aggressive or is this, you know, trying to that s aggressive? okay. and i actually found out more about myself than i have ever. since i ve been incarcerated, my son told me the things that affected him when i was out. one of them was the abuse to his mother. miss jensen s special. she s an extraordinary lady. she s passionate about her job. so she kind of puts her heart into trying to save each individual one by one. you tell another person in recovery some of the things you ve done, and we laugh about it. you tell somebody who s not in recovery some of the things we ve done, and they cry. like 40, 45, jobs tend to get a little hard. so i ve got to kind of reinvent myself just to get back somewhere, stay out of trouble. if i do anything else, alameda county, felony, it s over. they re going to put you right b
what? technical call for bad language? [ beep ] you, connect. oh, my god! that s ridiculous. i can t curse in my own house. it will be a lot of bleeps going on with me and video games. i think that s a new piece of technology we don t need. this time of year puts everybody in a holiday spirit, especially the people at movies in real life. they take famous movies and they put them in real life and re-create them and re-create them in real life situations. this is a re-creation of a christmas story. take a look. i double dog dare stick your tongue on that pole. you guys are really dumb. i triple dog dare you to stick your tongue on that pole. all right. all right. well go on. [ beep ] do it. i m going.