India News: More than 68% of the electorate in Rajasthan exercised their voting rights across 199 assembly constituencies by 5pm during Saturday’s polling, which
India News: More than 68% of the electorate in Rajasthan exercised their voting rights across 199 assembly constituencies by 5pm during Saturday’s polling, which
Fazlul Huq is a largely forgotten politician in West Bengal. The apparent indifference towards Huq in West Bengal or India can be partly explained by the unfortunate vivisection of India in 1947.
Fazlul Huq is a largely forgotten politician in West Bengal. The apparent indifference towards Huq in West Bengal or India can be partly explained by the unfortunate vivisection of India in 1947.
अन्य न्यूज़: निकाह के बाद से पति, ससुर मकबूल हसन, सास कैसर जहां, देवर तकरीरूल, तहजीबउल, जेठ एनुल, ननद अल्फसा, नंदोई कल्लू, ननद नेसी संतुष्ट नहीं थे, इसलिए पीड़ित महिला के साथ मारपीट कर उसे प्रताड़ित करते थे।