A look at chinas talent for finding and by europes hidden champion. This is the only business imes an album by law and in berlin welcome can facebook take cryptocurrency mainstream the Worlds Largest social network is reportedly unveiling the digital coin appliance rollout next year proponent save it could revolutionize Digital Payments under a single streamlined currency the project is called libra according to media reports over a dozen global firms will invest in and govern the currency like master card bought a phone and hoover the group will supposedly wall off control of the currency from facebook itself the coin will be pegged to a basket of global currencies like the dollar and the euro to shed it shield it story from the fluctuation that has hit big quite well a couch on facebook bets the scale of the social network and its services with. 2. 4000000000 monthly users will forge a new marketplace for streamline purchases and exchanges now thats a lot of big claims there but is i