NFT Image from 1947 Alien Autopsy Film For Sale for $1 Million
A most extraordinary online auction is currently in progress , at the digital art auction house Rarible. Up for sale is an NFT (non-fungible token) image taken from an alleged 68-year-old alien autopsy film.
The purported subject of this procedure was an alien corpse recovered from an unidentified flying object that had crashed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. The autopsy was allegedly performed by pathologists affiliated with the United States military. It would presumably have taken place at the Roswell Army Airfield, where the body and the debris from the crashed saucer were taken by a U.S. military retrieval team.
Single frame from alien autopsy film recorded in aftermath of 1947 UFO crash in Roswell is being sold as an NFT - with an opening bid of $1MILLION
A frame from the controversial 1947 alien autopsy film is being sold at auction for more than $1 million, or 450 ethereum
It is being sold as a non-fungible token to verify its authenticity
The winner will also receive a physical 16mm frame from the original film that was shot in 1947
The footage has supposedly been authenticated by the CIA
Controversy surrounding the film and its authenticity has existed for years
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The film allegedly shows the autopsy of an extraterrestrial that crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico.
The auction of this so-called evidence of extraterrestrials has an opening bid of $1 million or 450 Ethereum (a network for the cryptocurrency Ether).
(Image credit: Rarible)
A picture is worth a thousand words, but is a single frame of 16-mm film worth $1 million? That s the opening bid for a negative frame of black-and-white movie footage from 1947, allegedly showing an extraterrestrial corpse on a medical examiner s table.
The frame comes from an infamous and very implausible alien autopsy said to have been captured on film in 1947, following reports of a