doctors at iowa methodist medical center couldn t find the cause of the seizures and breathing problems 2-year-old michael reid was experiencing. a few days after they returned from iowa, michael stopped breathing again. the paramedics were baffled and their logbooks showed it. things didn t fit together that a kid would hold his breath long enough to make him have seizures or quit breathing. then, on sunday, february 7, while ray reid was relaxing downstairs come upstairs, michael s in trouble!
children, she said, no, and passed. in addition to the scratches on michael s face, there was a pattern to the episodes, a pattern that was clear to paramedics from their time-dated logbook. these calls were happening on the same days and roughly the same time of day. and that struck me odd as well. almost exclusively, the calls to the paramedics were on tuesdays and fridays, always about the same time of the day, in the late afternoon or early evening. for the most part, they coincided with the days and times ray reid was at work. the reids were convinced that michael had a similar condition to the one that killed their daughter, morgan, while they were living in texas. to find out, medical detectives in iowa decided to conduct their own investigation into morgan reid s death. curling up in bed
we will open these monuments and museums. the senate will never take up the bills. the president has already said he would veto that. for political purposes president obama and har ray reid wanted the government to shut down so they could say look at the evil republicans. they want it to happen. they want world war ii veterans shut out. thanks to republican government shutdown, a group of world war ii veteranses traveled from iowa and mississippi and had to break down barricades to visit a washington, d.c. memorial in their honor. this is the last thing i expected it to be closed. what s next? hang a drapery over mount rushmore? we did our job. we would like for america to settle down and do their job. we really would. with brit hume now. that last one, the jagentleman said, we did our job.
we will open these monuments and museums. the senate will never take up the bills. the president has already said he would veto that. for political purposes president obama and har ray reid wanted the government to shut down so they could say look at the evil republicans. they want it to happen. they want world war ii veterans shut out. thanks to republican government shutdown, a group of world war ii veteranses traveled from iowa and mississippi and had to break down barricades to visit a washington, d.c. memorial in their honor. this is the last thing i expected it to be closed. what s next? hang a drapery over mount rushmore? we did our job. we would like for america to settle down and do their job. we really would. with brit hume now. that last one, the jagentleman said, we did our job.
0 the news continues. greta van susteren joins us on the record. take it away. this is a fox news alert. check your watch. our government has been shut down 4 hours and still there is no plan to get the government bath back to work. tonight president obama and top congressional leaders meeting at the white house for the first time since this shutdown started testimony the president reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate. we are where we are. we are not going to play. we are through playing little games on. it s all focused on obama care. that s all this is about. for the latest, live to chief congressional correspondent mike emmanuel. mike? hi, greta. we understand it was an hour plus conversation at the white house. white house aides say the president was fwlad to get leaders together for the important conversation. as you heard from house speaker pressure will build and force lawmakers back to the table with the president of the united states to try to