Most people of faith in Canada find government worship restrictions harsh
Most people of faith in Canada find government worship restrictions harsh By Brian Dryden, Canadian Catholic News April 8, 2021
OTTAWA Most Catholics and religious Canadians are trying to maintain a connection to their faith during the ongoing COVID pandemic.
But they are struggling to maintain the sense of spiritual connection that comes from being able to gather with other members of their faith at religious services and events, says a new Angus Reid survey of more than 1,000 Canadians conducted just before Easter.
Religious Canadians have seen their places of worship shuttered at times and attendance severely restricted when allowed to open in the past year since the global health emergency changed everyday life across the globe. And that has led a significant number of Canadians to feel that the restrictions placed on religious communities have been unfair while many commercial operations have
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EDMONTON With Christmas just days away high season for the Christian faithful some provinces are finding themselves feuding with churches that are resisting lockdowns meant to slow the spread of COVID-19, but also affecting religious services.
Fines and closures have been slapped on a number of religious groups in several provinces, and Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario have been forced to defend their COVID-19 restrictions in court. So far, they have emerged victorious.
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