The Bombay High Court on Thursday reserved the order pleas on Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik and former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh for permission to cast their votes for the MLC polls on June 20.
The Bombay High Court on Friday refused to hear the amended petition filed by Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik seeking permission to cast his vote in the Rajya Sabha elections.
A special PMLA court in Mumbai on Thursday rejected the pleas filed by Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik and former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh seeking a day s bail to vote in the Rajya Sabha elections to be held on Friday.
Enforcement Directorate in its chargesheet said that both the sons and wife of Maharashtra minister and NCP leader Nawab Malik were summoned for interrogation, but none of them appeared in connection with Malik s money laundering case.
A video showing the man with 'Nawab' the husky on the outer premises of the temple and making it touch the statue of `Nandi` went viral on social media platforms.