panagar police have succeeded in apprehending the three looters within 48-hours of loot incident and retrieved looted cash of rs 40,000 and a vehicle used for loot from them. the arrested have been identified as vinayak bhura rajak (20), shivam rakesh gontia (19) and shivam rajkumar kol (21), residents of panagar. according to panagar police, late night on august 13, a man named ahmed ali (30), a resident of omti area lodged a complaint that he is working at scrap godown of imtiyaz ali, resident of chhoti o
Gold Badminton Câship inaugurated at Akhnoor
Gold Badminton Câship inaugurated at Akhnoor
Excelsior Sports Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 3: Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Mohan Lal Bhagat along with SDM Akhnoor Gopal Singh, SDPO Varun Jandial, and SHO Ravi Singh Parihar inaugurated 1st Gold Badminton Championship on the theme âKhelo Akhnoor to beat drug menceâ at Indoor Stadium Akhnoor, here today.
The tournament is being organised by GS Sports Club under the supervision of Atul Sudan, president of the Club.
Speaking on the occasion, the SDPO Varun Jandial congratulated the organizing committee for organizing the event. âIt was a good sign that the youth of the areas are moving towards positive direction by organising such event,â he added.