31-year-old Ravi Maganbhai Pansuriya was sentenced to life without parole following the murder of his father.In November 2023, Ravi Pansuriya was found guilty o
A man was convicted of First Degree Murder according to Office of the State’s Attorney for Carroll County.According to the office, 31-year-old Ravi Maganbhai Pa
Carroll County sheriff’s deputies found suspected blood, human tissue and hair on tools and on a truck bumper Sunday night at the home of Maganbhai Madhubhai Pansuriya, after discovering the dismembered body of the 58-year-old Westminster doctor on the shoulder of a road earlier that night, according to court documents.
Carroll County sheriff’s deputies found suspected blood, human tissue and hair on tools and on a truck bumper Sunday night at the home of Maganbhai Madhubhai Pansuriya, after discovering the dismembered body of the 58-year-old Westminster doctor on the shoulder of a road earlier that night, according to court documents.