In a shot in the arm of the BJP in the Municipal Corporation Chandigarh, newly elected Congress councillor Harpreet Kaur Babla and her husband Devinder Singh Babla on Sunday joined the saffron party.Now BJP s count of councillors rose to 13 in .
Many seasoned politicians from the Congress and BJP were defeated by political novices fielded by AAP, reflecting the changed political scenario on the ground in Punjab.
chandigarh election result
chandigarh mc result 2021
chandigarh mc election result
nigam chunav chandigarh
mc chandigarh result 2021
chandigarh mc election results
chandigarh election result date 2021
chandigarh mc election 2021 result
chandigarh election date 2021
chandigarh mc election result 2021
Chandigarh MC election result: In a stunning electoral debut, Aam Aadmi Party won as many as 14 seats, followed by BJP's 12 and Congress' 8 - in a tightly fought Chandigarh Municipal Corporation Election.