Quantum theory is used in a variety of microscopy techniques. Quantum microscopy enables the measurement and imaging of tiny features of matter and quantum particles. This article provides an overview of how quantum microscopy can drive the future of sensing and imaging.
The high sensitivity of the reflection electron microscopy (REM) technique to small changes in the crystal structure and composition of the top surface layers of various crystalline materials makes it the method of choice when studying surface structures and dynamic surface processes.
With one of the world’s most easily recognizable skylines and ranking as the most populous city in the United States, New York City is a hub of diversity, culture, and innovation.
This article focuses on the use of electron microscopy paired with fast Fourier transform (FFT-EM), its advantages and limitations, alternative methods, and recent studies involving this method.
A new paper published to arXivLabs demonstrates a novel nanotomography technique that can reliably and non-destructively image nanoscale structures at resolutions of 150nm.