Taking stock, one year into COVID
Item one: Two siblings, ages five and three, play their own new make-believe game called COVID-19 testing. Each inserts a spoon handle into the nostril of the other and says in a gentle, apologetic voice, “Oh, I’m sorry, honey.” It’s a sign of the times.
Item two: A little girl gently holds her doll close, and places an imaginary thermometer on its head, declaring to her mommy, “I’m checking her temperature so she can go to school.” How sweet. It’s a sign of the times.
Item three: A harried balabos is running late for minyan as some surprises vie for his attention at home. He is torn between going to shul anyway, to catch some semblance of tefillah b’tzibbur, or just stay home and daven alone. After all, he’s been doing it for months during lockdown and seemed none the worse for wear, gaining a few extra minutes at home, maybe even with coffee. He could proceed into his underground bunker (a.k.a. home office) with a little