canel received 603 out of 604 votes. he was the sole candidate. he is the first non-castro to rule cuba in 60 years and is 30 years younger than the man he replaces. cuban officials say nothing will change and raule castro will remain head of the communist party. this will give continuity to the cuban revolution. critics agreed nothing has changed and the long awaited departure of the castros is no cause for celebration. this has been a farce, smoke and mirrors, nothing more than rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. we know what happened there. this won t end well. that s what is happening with the restructuring of cuban
government. relations with the u.s. have worsened. the state economy produces less sugar, fish and tobacco than before the 1959 government revolution. through a combination of ruthlessness and charisma the castro s hung on to power for 60 years. now that will be tested in a new generation. bret: steve, thanks. the number of prescriptions filled for opioids is going down in the u.s. and fast. orders filled dropped 9% across the u.s. last year. that s the biggest fall off in a quarter century. half of u.s. states inacted restrictions on opioids since the number of deaths sky
announcement between saturday and sunday and monday. we refined the strategy and i woo we will continue to refine the strategy. we will use these tools but won t broadcast to the world our exact thinking. bret: he said she was not hanging in the wind. president trump asserted that no one has been tougher on russia than he has. it will be easier for u.s. defense contractors to sell armed drones to foreign governments. the u.s. government must still approve the sales and they will be subject to congressional review. cuba has a new president tonight. for the first time in 6 decades, his name is not castro. as steve tells us, little else is changing.