De ellos y que ellos queden aca en este pais solos no. De repente no angustia que se extiende a otras familias y en quienes anoran volver a ver a los suyos. Estamos criando a los ninos bien con excelentes grados y que ojala se pusieran un rartito en nuestros zapatos que no estamos haciendo dano a nadie. Que es algo justo yo tengo 13 anos sin ver a mi familia en mexico. Es difi icil y ojala nos escuchen pero el dolor no es solo de ellos. Hubieron quienes a pesar de sus limitantes viajaron largas horas para apoyar a quienes esperan un cambio. Como es el caso de don oscar. Yo sufri como ellos y me da pena toda la gente que no tiene papeles yo tengo mis papeles. Me entiende. Pero me da pena todos mis hermanos que no tienen. Ver como los tratan, como los miran de menos eso no es honesto me entiende. Por eso estamos aqui. Y tambien dijeron presente quienes menos se esperaban. La promesa de este pais es que no importa de donde vienes sino en lo que crees. Y nosotros como trabajadores american
Una demanda de presunto abuso sexual contra juan gabriel termina con una deportacion y pedidos de que se aclare si hubo o no acuerdo y pago, por parte del artista. Des los angeles magali ortiz nos presenta en exclusiva esta entrevista ¿se acuerdan de ellos . Son los padres del hombre que acuso ser abusado por juan gabriel. el siempre me queria decir, pero mi inexperiencia como madre, nunca le puse atencion quitate esa mascara que tienes de hipocresia que tienes alberto. Quitate la mascara y que muchos companeros tuyos se protegen. Te protegen por vanidosos. Segun la demanda archivada en el tribunal de Los Angeles El abuso sexual comenzo en 1982 cuando la presunta victima identificada solo por sus niveles, jc g tenia 15 anos y se mudo a peticion del cantautor a su casa en california, para que le hiciera compania a su hijo mayor. De repente me dice, flaco, quiero que me hagas un favor dime. Quiero que dejes ir a juan carlos que se quede con alberto. Esta solo, y acaba de llegar. Y no ti
Con roy. Conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Ternal god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. We pause now in your presence and acknowledge our dependence on you. We ask your blessing upon the men and women of this, the peoples house, who have returned to their stations here on capitol hill. As the new session begins, help them and indeed help us all to obey your law, to do your will and to walk in your way. Grant that they might be good in thought, gracious in word, generous in deed and great in spirit. Many of their fellow citizens continue to struggle through a difficult economic stretch and look to them for helpful leadership. Grant them the resolve to Fashion Solutions that might benefit those who are in need. Make this a demrorious day in which all a glorious day in which all are glad to be alive and ready to serve you. And may all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings
Partys convention chairman, is essentially giving the green light to every republican not to support trump if they cant bring themselves to do it. Heres what ryan told me in an interview that will air in full on meeting the press this sunday. You think it is that members in the House Republican conference, follow your conscience, if you dont want to support him, dont do it. Absolutely. The last thing i would do is tell someone to do anything thats contrary to their conscience. Of course i wouldnt do that. Believe me, i get it, its a very strange situation. Its a very unique nominee. But i feel, as a responsibility, institutionally as the speaker of the house, i would not lead a k chasm in the party. Im not going to tell somebody to go against their conscience. Will ryan allow Convention Delegates to vote their conscience or is that up to somebody else . The Washington Post reports that a new effort is under way among dozens of Convention Delegates who arent comfortable with trump. This
to suggest that i destroyed a phone to avoid giving the nfl information, it requested is completely wrong. in just about an hour we ll hear from head coach bill belichick for the first time. steve, good morning, brady s camp is calling this whole thing a sham. reporter: well that s right, jose we re at gillette stadium, home of the new england patriots. the press conference expected an hour from now. the news at this moment tom brady making his silence, first substantive comments about deflate-gate, all of these accusations since before the super bowl. he made one public appearance between the super bowl and now. he said nothing at that public appearance but now he s engaged in a war of words with roger goodell, accusing the patriots quarterback of engaging in a cover-up of intentionally destroying potential evidence. saying yesterday, rather than simply failing to cooperate, mr. brady made a deliberate effort to make sure investigators would never have access to informatio