switching to allstate is worth it. only from allstate. i had purpose and i loved it. you never told me you were a hero. i m not. i m only human you all right? i make mistakes no, i m not all right. i m alive because of you. we re brothers. we look after each other. thank you for your service. rated r. welcome back. turning to the big item on the agenda today at the white house. president trump die claired the ongoing opioid crisis in america a public health emergency. pledging to overcome addiction in america. the president announced new steps to combat the widespread drug epidemic, that has taken the lives of 64,000 americans just in the last year.
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mess messed up the mix after he threw it back. we re our confused. stick around. a lot more to talk about. more health care in a minute. bill cassidy, republican from louisiana. he s next. stop short. i don t see nothin man. you don t see it, he feels it. you are my hammer out there. don t let these young guys see you fold. i m only human, i make mistakes i m only human, that s all it takes to put the blame on me i m alive because of you. i m not a hero. we re brothers, we look after each other. thank you for your service. rated r.
lawyer and other russians in trump tower? no. since you have qualified for denial to say that you did not discuss issues of the campaign with russians, what in your view constitutes issues of the campaign? well, let me just say this without hesitation, that i conducted no improper discussions with russians at any time regarding a campaign or any other item facing this country. joining me now is senator dick durbin. democrat from illinois. sits on the judiciary committee. questioned sessions today. also, by the way, the democratic whip, making him the number two in senate democratic leadership. senator durbin, welcome back. thanks, chuck. i know there were a lot of topics not just russia on the table and i plan on getting to them with you, but let me start with russia. your impressions. your questioning was more
i was working for ppablo escobar, why else? the incredible true story of the c.i.a. s biggest secret is now one of the best reviewed films of the fall. woo! barry, you gotta take care of this family. this is gunna be good for us. it s 100% thrilling. we are ordering you to land immediately. alright boys, let s land. tom cruise delivers his best performance in years. we recognize the dangers involved here. shoot the gringo! no you don t. american made. rated r. welcome back to beijing. it s a summer day here, and the air seems relatively clear. but in the city you don t inhale without checking the pollution index. today it stands at 97, which isn t that bad by local standards, but it would be