killer still walking free. i would say tiktok, you r coming and we re not giving up. hello and welcome t dateline melvin roberts was a vip in hi tight-knit community, and juli phillips was the light of hi life the couple seemed inseparable, then, a murder shattered the love affair and exposed th dark underbelly of a zip code, where it s considered polite t smile at your friends and your enemies. here is andrea campaigning wit death in the driveway. awesome york, south carolina, a town seeped with america history and southern manners its charm is deeply embedded a the pride of the people wh live here. it s a nice southern count, it s very quiet. it s not the sort of plac you d expect evil to com knocking my life just changed, forever. and these are not the sor of people you d expect to be victims of a vicious crime he s a prominent man in a small town she s a good christian woman sweet southern belle and in the end, what woul forever haunt this peacefu place
dizziness, confusion, weakness those are your clues you are looking for anything that could possibly contribute to a person s death. one dose, high enough dose could do all of that she found a love at las with husband number three. the charming jeopardy chain. younger guy, gourmet cook nuclear physicists i was impressed. then suddenly, she was gone a mystery illness that baffled even her doctors she shook like someone with the start of parkinson s what had killed her something at home? something at work? household items that s a possibility listen carefully. in this case, the most important clue of all just might come from the victim herself. this just seems like ther is some suspicion things tha have occurred. could this be murder? do you think that someone might be trying to poison you? that s an unpleasant way to die. yes and could she help solve it your disk are griping kin of a murder and should slo motion yes, rather diabolical. it s a mind
her name was sarah, a sweet single mom, the baby in big-hearted family tried to protect her any wa that we could. a family turned army when she vanished this is how many people w have right now we just started searching they just wanted to fin her. that kind of emotion really drives you where was she was someone following her did someone attack her under scrutiny, the ex-boyfriend people are pointing fingers at him and three others sh encountered that night scared. how many times did they com talk to you? 30 plus two tantalizing clues, hand a print the subject had blood o their hand. and a trail on twitter. incredibly powerful. you ca almost see this happening in realtime could she help solve her ow mystery? she s fighting him off. it was so emotional. wanted to jump out of my seat. never in a million years would you expect something like that on long island, the fancy cars and the elites of the hamptons is a blue collar beach tow some
this christmas sunday, as we wrap up 2022, we can t ignor the fact that it s been a toug year over the past 12 months, there s been a recurring theme and the stories we ve covered. the fight for democracy here and abroad we have witnessed th resilience determination of th ukrainian people as they continue to resist russia invasion over in a wrong, the death o mahsa amini sparked mass protests and civil unres against the ruling regime. here in the u.s., voters pushe back pushed back at the ballot box. overcoming ideological differences to reject election denialism. and as we head into the ne year a new poll by ipsos showe that 65% of adults worldwide say they re optimistic tha 2023 will be a better year for them then 2022 earlier, i spoke with the most reverend michael curry and dr. barry see black. chaplain of the senate who reminded us that in a worl that can often seem dark, ther is always one thing that can provide light and guidance hope the most reverend michael curry
jamie raskin: umm, you know tommy left us a note, and the note said, please forgive me. my illness won today. look after each other, the animals, and the global poor for me, all my love, tommy. umm, so, he didn t have anything in there about take some time off. (laughs) and, uh. crowd: usa! usa! usa! usa! jamie raskin: why is america such an extraordinary country? we are not unified by virtue of being one ethnicity, or one ideology, or one religion. we re unified by one constitution and one rule of law, and then the values under our constitution. it is an aspiration. it s a challenge to us. the constitution shouldn t be some kind of fetish document. it should be the living commitment that we all have to make democracy work in service of the common good. that is the constitution that comes out of the civil war and reconstruction. that is the constitution that we ve been fighting for since then. and we ve got to keep fighting for it. crowd: trump! trump! trump! trump! trum