plan for a wall in detail. that s one of the topic areas. the other ones include foreign hot spots, relevant to your conversation just now with barbara starr. also supreme court and decisions about the supreme court that the next president will face. also debt and entitlements, the economy and fitness to be president. so those six topic areas will be covered by chris wallace. he will ask specific questions for each of them. the format s a lot like the first debate. two minutes to one candidate, then two minutes to the next candidate, then lots of back and forth. nch i know a lot of liberals are worried about chris wallace because he works at fox news. te he s a top rate journalist. clearly on the news side, not the opinion side of fox news. he has challenged trump and clinton throughout the campaign. if the clinton campaign has concerns they are not expressing them publicly. they may have that in private but definitely not in public. thanks so much. for more i want to bring in th